Grant helps developmentally delayed children

A year has passed since Jim and Melissa Szott had their son, Gianni, enrolled in the early intervention program run by Easter Seals Nevada that works with special needs children from birth up to 3 years old.

Too many awareness days can create a health daze

This is April, so my wife and I are thinking of planning get-togethers with friends to recognize Alcohol Awareness Month, Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month, National Autism Awareness Month, National Donate Life Month, Safe Kids Week and World Meningitis Day.

A little conditioning can help improve shoulder stability

Can’t quite get that one yoga pose? Is your bench press lacking in strength? Is picking up the kids becoming increasingly more difficult? The problem could be solved with some shoulder conditioning.

Federal health officials encouraged by response to anti-smoking ads

ATLANTA — More than twice as many people called a toll-free number to help them quit smoking a week after the launch of a $54 million ad campaign that shows graphic images of diseased smokers, federal health officials said.

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