Changing minds about cloth diapers

“Cloth diapers are hard to use.” “Cloth diapers are inconvenient.” “Cloth diapers don’t fit my busy lifestyle.” These are some of the many reasons expressed by families about why they don’t or won’t cloth diaper, according to author and cloth diaper advocate, Kelly Wels.

Put kids’ dental health on the fast track

When you’re a NASCAR driver like Greg Biffle, driver of the No. 16 3M Ford Fusion in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, nothing makes you smile like a trip to victory lane. Biffle is helping deliver the message to children about healthy habits like brushing, flossing, visiting the dentist and making smart food choices.

Upgraded decking materials offer enduring quality and beauty

Tackling your home improvement list this summer likely includes doing some work on your outdoor spaces. If replacing or updating a deck is your focus, it’s wise to look into new products that help ensure your efforts will be enjoyed for many seasons to come.

Tips to keep your vehicle safe and looking great this summer

Small inconveniences can become much larger problems if not taken care of early, and unfortunately, many drivers fail to address vehicle problem signs until it’s too late. Frequent checks and proper maintenance can make all the difference between a safe, attractive vehicle and an unreliable eyesore. With a few tips, you can get your vehicle into top shape for easy cruising this summer and beyond.

Should you retire or ‘rewire’?

As we head into the second decade of the 21st century, the concept of retirement has taken on a whole new meaning for many Americans.

Five golden choices for investors

In the dark about how to invest in gold? Despite gold’s increasing value and popularity, many folks don’t know where to get started. If that includes you, you’re not alone. Here are five options to get you started.

Spice up your summer gathering with one of these new outdoor games

The classic lawn games have stuck around for as long as they have because they get everyone involved and entertained. But as great as games like bocce and horseshoes are, why not try adding a new game that follows these main tenets of great summer games to the mix this year?

Step one in your car-buying adventure: Shape up your credit

It’s likely you’ll need to finance your vehicle purchase, especially if you’re buying new. A good credit score can help reassure potential lenders that you’ll be a good credit risk – and make them more inclined to offer you a lower interest rate for your auto loan.

National Infant Immunization Week reminds parents of the importance of vaccination

Did you know that April 21 kicks off National Infant Immunization Week (NIIW)? NIIW is an annual observance supported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and can be a good reminder to parents about the importance of protecting their children under the age of 2 from vaccine-preventable diseases.

Growing career field provides vital support to businesses

Communication is the backbone of all businesses – regardless of size or industry. In the modern business environment, the ability to transmit and store information is vital to productivity – and thus, success. But no communication system runs itself – it’s the people behind the scenes who ensure that a business thrives. This means huge career potential for individuals who can design, implement, secure and manage communication networks and keep them running smoothly.

Taking control of your cancer diagnosis

For patients living with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), it is important to work with a CML healthcare team to discuss a treatment plan and to establish clear blood level treatment goals – which are specific to each person – to make sure he or she is achieving the best results. If a patient doesn’t meet one of his or her treatment goals, they should discuss their options with their CML health care team and stay positive. There are things that patients and their doctors can do, such as making sure the appropriate medication is being given, which can help one get back on track.