Escape from reality by creating at-home retreats

Life is hectic. And although technology has made our lives easier to multitask and stay connected, it also means that no matter where you go, it’s hard to fully escape. While traveling to a remote island to get away for peace and relaxation would be a wonderful retreat, you can easily avoid the hustle and bustle of your daily routine by creating peaceful escapes throughout your own home.

Protecting personal information extends beyond the Web, to mobile devices

For most people, it is rare to go a day without going online or using a mobile device. While having access to the information you want and need makes life a lot easier, it’s most important to use the Web wisely. Today, keeping personal information safe is a concern for virtually anyone using a computer or a mobile device to access the Internet. Given the fast pace at which technology develops, staying up to date on the latest ways to protect yourself is vital to guarding your personal information.

How to make sure your indoor air is healthy

As soon as the temperatures warm up, you open up the doors and windows and let the “fresh” air in. Many people go on a cleaning spree, vacuuming, dusting and getting rid of all the dust bunnies hiding under furniture. With a fresh, clean house, you assume you’ll be breathing much easier. Think again. Here’s what every homeowner should know.

Keeping kids safe online: What every parent should know

By now, most parents are aware that the entertainment and educational value of the Internet also comes with risks, particularly for children. Protecting children from those risks is a vital concern for any parent whose child uses the web and any web-enabled device.

Save time and energy with tips for smart home improvement

The weather is warm and the sun is shining, making it the perfect time to start your home improvement projects. Whether it’s a little tidying up, or a full-on home repair, some tips will help you complete your projects without a lot of headaches.

Summer entertaining: Spend less time preparing, more time enjoying

There’s no question why summer is the best-loved season of the year: it’s all about fun, relaxation and enjoying the beautiful outdoors. So, it follows that homeowners don’t want to waste a minute of those glorious months of sunshine. When planning traditional summer get-togethers, save time by taking steps to ensure that your outdoor spaces are as low-maintenance as possible so that the focus is on the party, rather than the prep.

The importance of marketing your soft skills in the job search

As many Americans continue to search for employment, everyone is looking for ways to make the most of every interview opportunity. Of course, a good resume will reflect your technical training and experience. However, there is more to your overall qualifications than that. Your soft skills are an important part of the whole package.