Thoughtful gestures

If the world is ending, they’ll go out dancing

If you’re opening a show with an unconventional premise at midnight on one of the slowest weekends of the year, it’s good to have the Mayan apocalypse as a backup plan.

Year in review: The art of visual journalism in 2012

We live in a visual age, consuming thousands of images every day via a range of devices that allow us to access the Internet and its vast resources quickly and easily. Just as with virtually every other aspect of our lives, journalism has also evolved to keep pace with our increasingly visual world.

Caregiver 101: Creating a safe and happy environment for your loved ones

Nearly 66 million people, or 29 percent of the U.S. adult population, are providing care to someone who is ill, disabled or aged, according to the National Center for Caregiving. And, according to AARP, 61 percent of family caregivers who are 50-plus also work either full-time or part-time. How can busy caregivers gain peace of mind that their family member is happy and safe while they���re working? There are easy home updates to help improve the safety and security of their living space.

Retirement planning? Tips for getting the most out of Social Security

The majority of Americans support continuing the Social Security program, even if they are decades away from drawing benefits, a 2010 survey by AARP found. Nevertheless, with the program���s future financial viability an ongoing subject of political debate, many people may undervalue the role Social Security can play in their retirement planning.

Quick-change kitchen decor ideas make redoing a room easy

Falling out of love is a painful experience ��� especially when the love affair that���s ending is between you and the pricey, permanent design changes you made as part of a kitchen renovation. While it���s always easy to repaint if you don���t like a wall color, more significant renovations ��� like cabinets and countertops, flooring and fixtures ��� require you to live with them for a long time.

American hardwood millwork transforms an aging room into a dazzling showcase

Looking for a simple, inexpensive way to turn an aging family room into a dazzling showcase? Inspired design professionals will tell you one of the most popular and cost-effective ways to transform a plain space into a room with sizzle is to adorn it with millwork crafted from American hardwoods.

Keeping the family and the house warm with fireplace inserts

It���s a wonderful feeling to come inside on a cold day and warm your hands by the fireplace. But let���s face it: most people simply don���t use the traditional wood-burning fireplaces of old.