Bikini Bar owner surrenders Nevada gaming license over bar sale

Lonny J. Campos has agreed to surrender his state gaming license and pay a $5,000 fine related to the sale of his Bikini Bar, which operates with a restricted gaming license, according to a settlement reached with the Nevada Gaming Control Board.

Reid sets gun bill showdown; Heller says no to GOP filibuster

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid scheduled Congress’ first showdown vote for Thursday on President Barack Obama’s gun control drive as a small but mounting number of Republicans appear willing to buck a conservative effort to prevent debate from even beginning.

Move to repeal Nevada motorcycle helmet law fails again

A bill to repeal the state law requiring motorcyclists to wear helmets again has died in the Nevada Legislature, this time because its sponsor, Sen. Don Gustavson, pulled it from consideration.

Assembly committee approves sex trafficking bill

Nevada lawmakers continue their drive for anti-sex trafficking legislation by passing the session’s most comprehensive bill on the subject Tuesday.

Las Vegas sends three murder suspects back to Carson City

Three fugitives in the slaying of Nevada’s chief insurance examiner were sent from Las Vegas to Carson City in police custody to face murder charges, a court official said Tuesday.

Peter Reveen, hypnotist who managed Lance Burton, dies

Peter Reveen, who had a worldwide career as a hypnotist and magician before he settled in Las Vegas as Lance Burton’s manager, died Sunday of complications from diabetes and dementia. He was 77.