Fire within sight of Kyle Canyon homes

Like sooty snow, flakes of ash flutter to the ground. Aluminum paper wraps U.S. Forest Service buildings as if they were giant Christmas presents. The homes along Kyle Canyon Road stand empty. A smoke-enshrouded ghost town. From the doorsteps of the empty homes, the edge of the Carpenter 1 Fire was visible Tuesday afternoon on the blackened hills above the Rainbow subdivision south of Kyle Canyon Road. But the fire has mostly been steered east around the community, posing a potential problem greater than burnt buildings.

Indianapolis prof: Film shows FDR in concealed wheelchair

A professor at an Indiana college says he has found film footage showing President Franklin Delano Roosevelt being pushed in his wheelchair, depicting a secret that was hidden from the public until after his death.

New York judge: Apple conspired to raise e-book prices

NEW YORK — Apple Inc. conspired with publishers to raise electronic book prices, a federal judge ruled Wednesday, saying the evidence left no doubt that the computer maker broke antitrust laws.

Please, don’t take our Maryland Parkway lanes!

I’m not a traffic engineer, or a city planner, or a social scientist. I’m but a simple driver on the roads of Las Vegas.

Win, lose or draw, athletic commission needs to change

As he sat recently in a cramped meeting room inside the Sawyer Building and freely accepted a metaphorical beating, it wasn’t clear whether middleweight prospect J’Leon Love fully appreciated his role in the changing world of the Nevada Athletic Commission.

Dog-gone vacation: Three essentials to pack when traveling with pets

Pets are members of the family – so much so that more families today are traveling with their four-legged companions than ever before. Although packing for your pet may seem like a walk in the park, a few missed items could lead to a very hairy, uncomfortable and perhaps even stinky situation. To avoid these possible outcomes, here are three things no pet owner should leave home without.

Avoid extensive repairs by winterizing your home this fall

Autumn is on the way, so don’t fall behind on your seasonal home repairs checklist. It pays to know which renovations to tackle now, which repairs can wait until next season, and what preventative measures can help you avoid large-scale, costly repairs.

How canned foods help you cook like the pros

If you are like many Americans, you can’t get enough of those mouth-watering cooking shows where professional chefs whip up delicious meals in the span of a 30-minute show. How do they do that – and how can you replicate their cooking finesse in your own kitchen? You might be surprised that canned foods can help you create tasty dishes similar to those you see on TV, in less time than you think.

Cost-cutting techniques to fit your lifestyle

These days, it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the multitude of sources offering money-saving tips. It seems like everyone has a hot new tip or an old tried-and-true method you just have to try. Unfortunately, trying to keep up with them all can actually be counter-productive to your savings goal because you aren’t able to dedicate enough time and effort to see substantial results.

Get your manners fit for summer

Summer is the season for reconnecting with friends, spending time with loved ones and maybe even igniting a summer romance. From shared vacation houses and dining out to concerts and ball games, one or more people usually feel they paid more than their fair share for group outings. Don’t let sticky financial situations put a chill in your relationships. With some easy-to-remember tips, you can breeze through summer and focus on what’s really important: time with those you care about.

Simple ways to warm up cold calls and turn them into sales

In the delicate dance that is the world of sales, it’s probably safe to say that cold calling is one area where sales people and prospects are totally in tune. No one relishes cold calls, whether you’re the initiator or the receiver. But cold calling continues to thrive for one reason: when done right, the tactic can lead to new business.

Opportunities for students to pursue challenging and exciting careers in STEM subjects

Pursuing a career in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) subjects opens plenty of exciting and challenging opportunities for today’s students. Many of these opportunities exist in the Navy, including technically challenging missions that require intelligence and critical thinking.


At Salt Lake City, the 51s (47-43) took the lead for good two batters into the game and squared the three-game series at one apiece.

Soccer violence

Las Vegas visitors can’t have an enjoyable experience if they don’t feel safe. And they won’t come here at all if they believe violence could erupt around them.

Drone minor a major step

The University of Nevada, Las Vegas is getting better and better about partnering with private industry to improve students’ employment prospects. The latest example of the school’s responsiveness is its consideration of a minor in drone technology.

Winds keeping damaging wildfire smoke away from Las Vegas

If it weren’t for the wind coming out of the south and southwest as the raging Carpenter 1 Fire belches out enough soot every day to make an old Pittsburgh steel mill seem quaint, streetlights would be burning all day long in a darkened Las Vegas while people developed smoker’s hack without ever smoking a Camel.