Legal fight triggers memories of old days

I remember fondly the time I spent working as a reporter at the Sacramento Union. I found myself thinking about the Union when reading the lawsuit Las Vegas Sun Editor and Publisher Brian Greenspun filed against Stephens Media LLC, the company that owns the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

City should re-evaluate Fremont East policy

If you build it, they will come. At least until police start handing out citations that fly in the face of what Las Vegas nightlife is about.

High-speed rail costs

Perhaps one day, a high-speed train will be built within projected costs and bring all the utopian benefits of mass transit that proponents promised.

Weekend reflects betting’s ascension

Hundreds of guys will flock to a ballroom Friday night, eyes fixed on a stage, and no dancers resembling Kate Upton will be shedding clothes and sweeping up $1 bills. The power of football, and how to bet on it, will be on display.

Verrazano can make statement in Travers

Two of the year’s most important races are this weekend in the $1 million Travers Stakes at Saratoga on Saturday and the $1 million Pacific Classic Stakes at Del Mar on Sunday.

Scouting the football contests

A rundown of the major contests offered by Las Vegas sports books:

Gorman ex Murray out to prove durability

DeMarco Murray is ready to do with the Dallas Cowboys what he finally did in his third year with the Oklahoma Sooners — put in a full season after frustrating setbacks cut short the first two.

Gaming regulators back to debating tavern rules

The Nevada Gaming Commission on Thursday found itself debating potential changes to a regulation governing the operation of slot machines inside the state’s tavern industry.

Police rescue Mount Charleston hiker

Las Vegas police rescued an injured hiker who went missing Wednesday night on Mount Charleston.

Special Olympics Nevada regroups in wake of $45,000 grant reduction

Special Olympics Nevada is struggling to absorb the unexpected loss of half of a major grant, a $45,000 budget reduction that will mean fewer opportunities for disabled students in the Clark County School District.

Former county employee sentenced in child porn case

A former Clark County public information officer was sentenced Thursday to more than 12 years in prison for transporting child pornography.

Police seek suspect in Fremont stabbing

Las Vegas police are looking for a man suspected of stabbing another man in the face in late July near the Fremont Street resort corridor.

Charges against northern Arizona rancher dropped

Charges against a northern Arizona rancher who assessed a fee for tourists headed to the Grand Canyon Skywalk have been dropped.

Egypt’s ousted leader Mubarak under house arrest

Wearing a white T-shirt and flashing a smile, Hosni Mubarak was transferred from prison Thursday to a Nile-side military hospital where he will be under house arrest, a reversal of fortune for the former president who was ousted by a popular uprising and is on trial for complicity in the killing of protesters in 2011.

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