Workplace violence?

The president of the United States loves to dance around the English language to make everybody feel better — even this country’s enemies. With the military trial of Maj. Nidal Hasan underway, it’s become much more evident that such sashaying comes at a real cost to those who have lost their lives or been injured at the hands of terrorism.

Bringing pain to eminent domain

The North Las Vegas City Council had no shortage of reasons to reject a plan to use the city’s eminent domain powers to seize underwater home loans:

Star from Vegas’ past hopes to find future

Dondino gets officially “welcomed back” with a fundraising event today. If he doesn’t recognize the Las Vegas where he once sang every day, he’s used to it.

Between treadmill and bench press, pondering vitality

I am, by nature, a gregarious extrovert. Except at the gym. There, I keep to myself. Eyes down. Focus within. Conscious breathing. Feel the pain. Let the exhaustion carry you away. I think of it like a religious discipline.

Harvesting fruit, nuts not a difficult task

Fresh fruit from your garden is so nourishing. There’s nothing like feasting on tree-ripened peaches. Here are some suggestions to make the fruit of your labor more productive.

Nine-run eighth dooms Liberty

Liberty’s American Legion baseball team fell behind early, then gave up nine runs in the eighth inning Saturday as Petaluma (Calif.) routed the Patriots 18-4 in the American Legion Western Regional in Surprise, Ariz.

This week, Aug. 11

Catch Nappy Roots downtown at LVCS

Tires of all kinds get drivers on the road again

With prices as low as $25 a tire, used tire shops in Las Vegas, also known as llanteras in Spanish, are attracting customers by providing low-cost alternatives for fixing and replacing tires.

Those who came to U.S. legally disagree about reform

While 60 percent of those in the country illegally come from Mexico, according to statistics with the Department of Homeland Security, quite a few Las Vegas immigrants are legal residents and never broke federal immigration laws to become so.

Popular singer Eydie Gorme dies in Las Vegas at 84

Eydie Gorme, a popular nightclub and television singer as a solo act and as a team with her husband, Steve Lawrence, has died in Las Vegas. She was 84.

Police step up search for missing son of woman involved in church crash

North Las Vegas police said Saturday that “it’s only a matter of time” before they find the baby boy of a Utah mother who drove through parishioners outside an Evangelical church late Thursday night, apparently in search of a spot to park her car and sleep.

Motorcycle accident leaves one dead, other critical

One person was killed and another critically injured in a motorcycle accident in the northwest Las Vegas Valley early Saturday morning.

Outdoor activities around Southern Nevada

On Monday, join a geologist to discuss the rock formations, plants and animals encountered on a moderate, two-mile hike in the Calico Basin; for ages 10 and older.

Teen found safe in Idaho; alleged abductor killed

San Diego County Sheriff’s officials say the man suspected of abducting 16-year-old Hannah Anderson has been killed in Idaho and the teen has been found safe.

California ghost town provides peek into past

Bodie — California’s most authentic ghost town — is preserved as a state historic park and a national historic landmark. Annually, thousands of visitors explore the former gold and silver boomtown. Maintained in a state of “arrested decay,” Bodie appears much as it did when the last residents left more than 50 years ago.

TV blackouts aren’t shutting out fans completely

A week into the blackout of CBS programming to millions of Time Warner Cable subscribers, viewers are finding workarounds.

A reality show with depth: Live ocean exploration

Vicious fights! Stunning beauties! Surprises around every corner! Yes, it’s reality TV but with a lot more depth — as much as 10,000 feet. It’s live coverage of deep-sea exploration off Nantucket and tens of thousands of people are tuning in.

Wave of bombings in Iraq during holiday kills 69

The death toll in Saturday’s attacks is the highest since July 20, when brazen assaults on two prisons near Baghdad plus other attacks left 71 dead.

August 2013
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