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Hidden national park history comes to life in a Yosemite Tour

America’s national park system is one of the greatest points of pride for the country, and has even served as inspiration for other nations eager to preserve their own national treasures. One of the most iconic of those parks is California’s Yosemite National Park.

Hard water: bad for your home and wallet

Nearly 90 percent of American homes have hard water – water containing high levels of calcium and magnesium, according to The U.S. Geological Survey. Hard water on its own is bad enough, making it difficult to wash clothes and dishes and leaving scaling on your pipes and showerheads as well as nasty brown rings in your sinks and toilets. However, it is also costing you money. Here’s what you need to know.

Don’t give up on skin during the colder months ahead

During the fall, when temperatures drop, skincare steps that were crucial during the hot summer months can often be overlooked because skin isn’t as exposed. Instead of waiting until skin is uncomfortably dry and itchy, make sure you’re moisturizing every day so skin stays soft, smooth and supple. And with all of the gatherings and parties that happen through fall and winter, you want to feel feel comfortable and confident in whatever you wear – whether it’s a short cocktail dress or a sleeveless top.

Technology to keep families connected and protected this season

It’s the time of year when family schedules change and their daily routines reset. From coordinating calendars to handling additional demands such as homework and extracurricular activities, it can be a challenging, if not daunting, time for even the most organized family.

Avoiding footwear fumbles when exercising or playing sports

No one disputes that exercise provides a host of health benefits, from helping control weight to improving cardiovascular functions. But exercising in the wrong footwear can cause more harm than good, especially since foot health is integral to overall well-being.

Safety checklist: a new and expecting mom’s best friend

Whether you’re expecting or already have a baby, now is a great time to make sure you’re fully prepared when it comes to safety. It’s important to take the time to re-evaluate your home and daily routines to ensure that you’re doing all you can to provide a safe haven for your little ones.

Turn video games into family time

Video gaming has taken a beating over the years from parents, educators and experts on health and social interaction. However, the gaming industry has addressed some of gaming’s negative stigma with good educational, physical and socially interactive games that benefit children and adults. Gaming allows players to tap into their best qualities: motivation, optimism, collaboration and resiliency against failure.