VA investigators sent text messages in North Las Vegas probe

Veterans Affairs investigators probing allegations of mistreatment of a blind, diabetic veteran during a lengthy wait at the North Las Vegas VA Medical Center are reviewing text message excerpts and photos from a witness’s smart phone since surveillance camera footage has been erased.

Nevada’s election season officially starts Monday

Nevada’s 2014 election season officially gets under way Monday when candidates for judicial offices around the state can file their declarations of candidacy.

Fate of federal jobless benefits renewal uncertain despite Demo push

In the days leading to the return of Congress Monday, Democrats mounted a full-court press to renew payments to people whose federal jobless benefits expired over the holidays.

Seminoles share Bowden’s grief

Former Florida State coach Bobby Bowden has been in Southern California, but it is not known if he will attend the Bowl Championship Series title game between the top-ranked Seminoles and No. 2 Auburn.

EDITORIAL: Medicaid study more bad news for Obamacare, taxpayers

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act aimed to reduce overall medical costs by pushing low-income and uninsured Americans out of emergency rooms and into doctor’s offices and urgent care centers for the treatment of less-serious ailments. Obamacare was written with the belief that insuring millions of people would immediately make them more responsible health care consumers.

Mandatory boat inspections at Tahoe cut down invaders

A mandatory boat inspection program continues to pay dividends for Lake Tahoe, a conservation agency said, as 36 boats harboring invasive plants, mussels and snails were prevented from entering the lake in 2013.

Split to get fit: One-legged squats boost balance

Laura Salcedo is an accomplished trainer. She started as a group exercise instructor and has since moved into personal training.

Romney accepts apology from MSNBC host about photo comments

Mitt Romney says he has accepted an apology from an MSNBC host who joked about a Christmas picture that included the 2012 Republican presidential candidate’s adopted, African-American grandson.

Sex offender seeks admission to Kentucky bar exam

Guy Padraic Hamilton-Smith graduated in the top third of his law school class at the University of Kentucky, but the state Supreme Court blocked him from taking the bar exam because he is a registered sex offender.

Developers use bicycling images to draw home buyers to Summerlin

Summerlin’s developers use images of road bicyclists along with the hikers and trail walkers to sell home buyers on the 35-square-mile, 100,000-resident planned community that borders the stunningly scenic Red Rock Canyon area on Las Vegas Valley’s west side.

At-risk kids have fun at Discovery Children’s Museum

With her big brother Nicholas Ortiz at left, Sophia McWilliams, 2, dances in a princess costume in one of the exhibits at the Discovery Children’s Museum on Sunday

Everyone should get health care

As Elizabeth Trujillo and I spoke late last year, I wondered how many more Americans would end up like her — unable to receive needed medical care until it was basically too late.

Player overcomes obstacles to excel on field, in classroom

Mark Woodson is determined to defend the ball and do his part to help the Meadows Mustangs win. After years of hard work both on the field and in the classroom, and years of surgeries combating a growth problem, Woodson has risen to become a crucial player on his high school football team and an academic achiever, all while getting respect and admiration from classmates.

Coroner: Man in fatal van accident ID’d

A North Las Vegas man who died after losing control of his van Saturday has been identified by the Clark County coroner’s office.

States in U.S. confirm water pollution from drilling

In at least four states that have nurtured the nation’s energy boom, hundreds of complaints have been made about well-water contamination from oil or gas drilling, and pollution was confirmed in a number of them, according to a review that casts doubt on industry suggestions that such problems rarely happen.

Reid appeals for votes to extend jobless benefits

Senate leader Harry Reid on Sunday sought to pressure Republicans to support extending unemployment benefits that expired over the holidays for 1.3 million jobseekers.

Plane skids off runway at NY’s JFK; flights suspended temporarily

A plane from Toronto slid into snow as it turned onto a taxiway after landing at John F. Kennedy International Airport on Sunday, leading the airport to temporarily suspend flights from taking off and landing because of icy runways.

Receive a holiday gift? Nothing says thanks like a written message

Stroll into Alligator Soup at 9350 W. Sahara Ave. and don’t be surprised if one of the owners correctly identifies the part of the country from which you hail — based on the notecards you have in hand.