IRS audits: 8 triggers to avoid and tips to help you survive

Ever wonder how the Internal Revenue Service selects which taxpayers to audit? Well, it isn’t always a matter of chance. There are certain factors that can make your tax return stand out from the rest.

Solve everyday setbacks with five simple ‘life hacks’… and possibly get rich doing so

Fifty-six percent of adults who completed home improvements in the past year spent $1,000 or more, according to The Scarborough Report. Next time you’re faced with a home improvement project, instead of wasting money throwing away fixable objects or hiring professionals for quick and easy repairs and improvements, keep these money-saving tips in mind. Here are five simple life hacks to help you throughout your entire home and trying one just might make you $40,000 richer!

Add your health to your spring cleaning to-do list

Spring is a season for dusting, washing and polishing the home, cleaning up the yard of any winter debris and even cleaning the storage on the computer or laptop. Spring also should be a time to clean up your health – adding small habits to your lifestyle that can result in big changes to your well-being.

Stay active as you age

Getting older can be a challenge. Staying on top of your health and fitness goals often becomes more difficult as you try to find enough time in the day to balance the schedules of work and life, and taking care of others. Improper nutrition, joint and muscle soreness and inactivity are additional challenges. Here are three simple tips to overcoming these challenges to continue living a healthy, active lifestyle.

Achieving personal harmony and balance during Colon Cancer Awareness Month

What if after surviving your first cancer diagnosis at the age of 51, you were re-diagnosed just 18 months later? Metastatic colorectal cancer patient Dave Johnson experienced that first-hand, and was initially reluctant and scared to tell his family, friends and co-workers.

Sowing the seeds of spring: How to start your garden indoors

While cooler temperatures slowly fade, gardeners across the country eagerly await the arrival of spring – and the chance to get outdoors and grow something. If gardening is your passion, you don’t have to wait until the weather is perfect to get started. In fact, working ahead by growing your own seedlings is a great way to ensure your garden is successful throughout the warmer months.

Five things you should know about spring allergies

April’s showers bring May flowers but they also bring on sneezing, runny noses and watery eyes for some of the 50 million Americans with allergies. The spring allergy season begins in some regions of the country as early as February and can last into the summer months.

The new world of business computers

Choice is great, right? It sure is, except when the options leave your head spinning. Businesses have a lot to consider when purchasing computers these days with touch screen laptops, Chromebooks, Windows 8 vs. Windows 7, and choosing between desktop computers, laptops and even tablets.

PHOTOS: Horsing around at the park

Horses4Heroes, a Las Vegas-based national nonprofit equestrian services organization, reintroduced horses to Floyd Lamb Park at Tule Springs on Thursday.

World of Outlaws’ Kinser tough to catch, pin down

Joey Saldana, aka the Brownsburg Bullet, collects World of Outlaws sprint car victories — he has 94 — and helmets of other racing drivers. He has about 125 of those. Until recently, though, he didn’t have a Steve Kinser helmet.

Feast on conference tourney buffet

It was not one of Anthony Ireland’s better games, and it was nearly the final game of the senior point guard’s college career. Loyola Marymount was down double digits and close to getting counted out.

Harvick continues fast pace

Kevin Harvick, fresh off his victory at Phoenix, posted the fastest lap speed in practice at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. He will take part in qualifying Friday for Sunday’s Kobalt 400.

How local drivers fared

How Las Vegans performed in their most recent races.

Older Alvarez brother on own mission

It’s usually hard to predict what’s going to happen in boxing. But one thing is certain come Saturday at the MGM Grand Garden: The Alvarez brothers will leave the ring the same way they entered — without a championship belt.

‘If you come to the races one day a year …’

When I worked at Santa Anita Park years ago, we used the slogan “If you come to the races one day a year …” — meaning the Santa Anita Handicap was on Saturday. Well, that Saturday has arrived.

EDITORIAL: Consolidate the ballots

Speaking of that Reno mayor’s race, Southern Nevadans might be wondering why the Washoe County municipality has offices on the ballot in an even-numbered year.

Term limits

The message from the Nevada Supreme Court could not have been clearer: Andy Hafen shouldn’t be mayor of Henderson.

Cost controls, not fee hikes, for higher education

Today, Nevada regents will hear recommendations for general fee increases at our public colleges and universities. Administrators are seeking 4 percent annual hikes for four years for resident undergraduates and smaller increases for nonresident and graduate students, who pay much higher fees.