Windfall for schools brings no guarantees

Two issues are central to Nevada’s margins tax debate. Thus far, justifiably, conversations and research have focused almost exclusively on one: how the levy would affect the state’s businesses. Which industries would be hit hardest by the 2 percent tax on revenue? How many jobs would be lost if Question 3 passes in November?

Red-light madness

I was driving up Martin Luther King Boulevard the other day, right in front of the Metropolitan Police Department headquarters building, on my way back to the office after picking up some lunch.

An across-the-aisle opportunity missed

Last month, the House of Representatives passed the USA Freedom Act, a bill I pushed for and co-sponsored.

EDITORIAL: Building blocks

Nevada needs a whole lot more jobs to cut into that brutal jobless rate. Fortunately, significant hiring is on the horizon.

EDITORIAL: Real unemployment

One big number is holding back Nevada’s recovery: the real unemployment rate.

EDITORIAL: Money talks

Endangered Washington Democrats are so desperate to distract Americans from their policy failures that they’re proposing a constitutional amendment.

Las Vegas a good fit for Algieri’s ring career

The Long Island native chooses to travel across the country to train for his fights rather than prepare in his hometown of Huntington. Algieri faces Ruslan Provodnikov June 14 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn on HBO.

Santomauro settles for unanimous decision

Rocco Santomauro was talking knockout before getting into the ring Saturday with Daniel Quevedo at the Tropicana, and the junior featherweight from Las Vegas did his best to deliver.

Satin aims to reclaim slick stroke with 51s

After getting only one at-bat in the big leagues in 2012, 51s infielder Josh Satin didn’t expect to see much playing time for the Mets last season.

Jimmy Kimmel helps out Dave Rice Foundation party

ABC talk-show host Jimmy Kimmel showed his fondness for UNLV basketball by hosting the Dave Rice Foundation benefit gala May 17 in the MGM Grand Conference Center.

Girls Night Out fundraiser benefits Shade Tree

May 21 was the 12th anniversary of the Shade Tree transitional housing program’s Girls Night Out fundraiser at Bellagio’s Hyde nightclub. Girls Night Out is Shade Tree’s largest annual benefit.

Golden Gate only downtown casino facing Sunday walkout

The Golden Gate remained the only downtown Las Vegas casino facing a strike Sunday morning after four properties agreed to tentative five-year agreements with two unions Saturday.

Dog dies in kitchen fire

A dog died in a kitchen fire in the east valley that also caused $20,000 in damage on Saturday.

Laughs more amusing than hilarious in ‘A Million Ways to Die in the West’

Pity the old-timer who, after seeing the posters and only half-watching the commercials, buys a ticket for “A Million Ways to Die in the West” without even a passing awareness of its co-writer, director and star, Seth MacFarlane. The poor guy may never leave his Barcalounger again.

Man killed in shootout with Las Vegas police

A purse snatching led to high-speed police chase and a shootout with officers that left one man dead Friday night, according to Las Vegas police.

Hiker who fell to her death at Red Rock identified

The woman who died Friday night at Calico Basin has been identified by Clark County coroner’s office as 60-year-old Linda Brock of Las Vegas.

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