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Capacity limits lifted at Arizona restaurants, businesses

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey lifted capacity restrictions at gyms, restaurants and other businesses Friday, citing lower COVID-19 cases and increased vaccination as he eases up on the pandemic restrictions that have upended life for nearly a year.

Senate Dems strike jobless aid deal, relief bill OK in sight

Senate leaders and moderate Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin struck a deal late Friday over emergency jobless benefits, breaking a nine-hour logjam that had stalled the party’s showpiece $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief bill.

Judge dismisses lawsuit by Nevada AG, others to recognize ERA

A federal judge on Friday dismissed a lawsuit filed by three Democratic state attorneys general that had sought to force the federal government to recognize Virginia’s vote last year to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and add it to the Constitution.

Rodimer again running for Congress, this time in Texas

Dan “Big Dan” Rodimer, the former professional wrestler who lost a bid for Congress in Nevada’s 3rd District in November, has announced another congressional bid, this time in a special election in Texas’ 6th District.

Former Trump State Department aide charged with assault at Capitol

A former State Department aide in President Donald Trump’s administration has been charged with participating in the deadly siege at the Capitol and assaulting officers who were trying to guard the building, court papers show.

Ending year-long COVID-19 lockdown, Pope arrives in Iraq

Pope Francis, who wore a facemask during the flight, kept it on as he descended the stairs to the tarmac and was greeted by two masked children in traditional dress. But health measures appeared lax inside the airport despite Iraq’s worsening coronavirus outbreak.