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Keep Memory Alive celebrates 22nd annual gala in Las Vegas

About 1,600 of the city’s movers and shakers partied at the Keep Memory Alive Power of Love gala inside a lavishly appointed MGM Grand Garden Arena on Saturday night.

Bill Cosby confined to home after guilty verdict

Two days after his conviction, Bill Cosby has already started life as an inmate — though his surroundings are far nicer than they likely will be in a few months.

Barry Manilow sets opening dates for Las Vegas residency

“Can you believe, this? I’m as old as the (expletive) hills and I’m starting another residency in Las Vegas,” says Barry Manilow, whose grand opening for “Barry Manilow Las Vegas: The Hits Come Home” coincides with his 75th birthday.

Temple University revokes honorary degree given to Bill Cosby

Temple University, where Bill Cosby long served as a leading public face and key fundraiser, said Friday it will rescind the honorary doctorate it awarded to the comedian in 1991 because he was convicted of sexually assaulting a former employee.

Kanye, Trump trade Twitter love

In a moment that seemed to encapsulate 2018’s social media-driven blurring of celebrity and politics, President Donald Trump tweeted his thanks to rap superstar Kanye West on Wednesday for his recent and perhaps unexpected online support.

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