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Rebels could pick a program to follow, but which one?

Every five years when UNLV fires its football coach there is a great whoop-de-doo and la-di-da about football. It usually lasts until the UNLV basketball team plays a quality nonconference opponent. Is there a program out there UNLV ought to be imitating?

Fertittas elephant in UNLV’s room

The question everyone wanted answered went unanswered at UNLV’s press conference on Thursday afternoon. And that was disappointing.

UNLV’s bold coaching experiment could blow up

By now you probably are familiar with Notre Dame having hired a wildly successful high school coach named Gerry Faust to wake up the echoes. But there’s an even bolder experiment that better correlates to UNLV that was conducted in North Texas.

Point may be moot, but Fassel has what it takes to coach UNLV

Jim Fassel is the experience in this equation. The one whose credentials wouldn’t be scrutinized. His is a name that has been widely associated with the coaching job at UNLV, vacant since Bobby Hauck announced his resignation Friday.