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Thanks to the collusion and conspiracy of the mainstream media, the D.C. Swamp and the Deep State, real news is stranger than fiction nowadays.

Welcome back Obama, we missed you

In my last column, I explained how Obama’s policies badly damaged my businesses and careers. But more importantly, I explained how small business owners like me see Obama as a walking, living, breathing, curse upon business. Whatever he touches dies, or winds up in a coma. If you own a business and you see Barack Obama coming, “run, hide, shelter.”

COMMENTARY: Donald Trump’s puts America’s enemies on notice

The greatest military in world history is back. Trump just put the military commanders — not lawyers or politicians — in charge of decisions again. Patriots are not just cheering, they are giving a standing ovation.

Democrats’ destruction overwhelming

The Democratic Party has a problem. If this were “The Celebrity Apprentice” it might be worded, “You’re fired.”

Trump made headlines, but Clinton made the big news

Are you watching the news? Have you seen anything about the damaging WikiLeaks or FBI leak revelations against Hillary? Where are these headlines?