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COVID boosters targeting newest variants get US approval

The move by the Food and Drug Administration tweaks the recipe of shots made by Pfizer and rival Moderna that already have saved millions of lives.

The COVID testing company that missed 96% of cases in Nevada

State and local officials across Nevada signed agreements with Northshore Clinical Labs, a COVID testing laboratory run by men with local political connections. There was only one problem: Its tests didn’t work.

High-stakes health-care debate hits Nevada’s Medicaid program

The state’s expansion of Medicaid in 2014 gave hundreds of thousands of low-income and disabled Nevadans medical insurance, but it also plunged the state into the center of the battle over spiraling health-care costs.

Stroke of pen kept Nevada from setting health care precedent

The U.S. Senate’s draft of a new health care bill promises to cut funding toward Medicaid expansion and cap the program’s budget. Meanwhile, Nevada this month was a signature away from creating a potentially precedent-setting law that would have opened Medicaid coverage to all state residents.