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Kirsten Gillibrand joins 2020 presidential race

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand entered the growing field of 2020 Democratic presidential contenders Tuesday, telling television host Stephen Colbert that she’s launching an exploratory committee.

Marijuana lounges in Las Vegas face hurdle: Alcohol

At the city’s recommending committee meeting Monday, Callaway told a council panel that recent studies showed 22 percent of fatalities involve a drive under the influence of both alcohol and marijuana.

IRS recalling 46K employees to help handle tax returns

The Internal Revenue Service is recalling about 46,000 of its employees furloughed by the government shutdown — nearly 60 percent of its workforce — to handle tax returns and pay out refunds. The employees won’t be paid.

AG nominee Barr says he wouldn’t go after marijuana companies

President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Justice Department, William Barr, told a Senate committee Tuesday that he would not use enforcement federal laws on cannabis in states that have passed laws on recreational and medical use.

Federal judge blocks citizenship question from 2020 census

A federal judge blocked the Trump administration Tuesday from asking about citizenship status on the 2020 census, the first major ruling in cases contending that officials ramrodded the question through for Republican political purposes to intentionally undercount immigrants.