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Iran oil tanker pursued by US turns off tracker near Syria

The actions follow a pattern of other Iranian ships turning off their trackers once they reach near Cyprus in the Mediterranean Sea, officials said.

McConnell waiting on Trump to chart path on guns

WASHINGTON — Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell says he’s waiting for the White House to chart a path forward on gun violence legislation following another mass shooting in Texas.

Pence defends stay at Trump property during Ireland visit

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Tuesday defended his decision to stay at one of President Donald Trump’s properties while in Ireland in the face of criticism by Democrats and good government groups that he’s enriching Trump at taxpayers’ expense.

9 months into race, Dems appear no closer to solving identity crisis

Democrats are no closer to resolving the big questions dividing their party by race, generation and ideology than they were on the day of President Donald’s Trump’s inauguration

Despite pledge on lobbyists, Biden taps influence industry

It’s difficult to quantify how much Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden has raised from the multibillion-dollar influence industry, but the roughly $200,000 he accepted from employees of major lobbying firms is far more than any of his rivals has received, according to a review of campaign finance data by The Associated Press.