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Shattering stereotypes: Study shows women manage credit better than men

The stereotype of women being big spenders, and men being the fiscally conservative gender has inspired plenty of jokes in our society. However, the reality is slightly different from the centuries-long running stereotype: women actually handle certain aspects of their finances (like credit) better than men.

Making the choice between weathering and finishing a deck

A backyard refresh or upgrade can bring comfort, energy, fun and relaxation into the space for the family to enjoy. But before you start work or purchase materials, you need to consider the maintenance and upkeep of the project for years down the road. Sure, you will enjoy the project tremendously the first year it’s completed. But if staining or sanding aren’t something you’re willing to do to keep the deck looking sharp, you need to carefully consider your choice of deck material.

Easy ways to add digital fun to your outdoor living space

It’s always been possible to watch the big game or your favorite movie from your deck or patio. But until the arrival of wireless technology, you would have needed a really long extension cord and a super-long cable connection (or rabbit ears) to do it. And rain would have ruined your fun in more ways than one. Now, wireless technology and a host of advances in how digital devices are manufactured and function have made it much easier to enjoy electronic entertainment in the great outdoors.

Smart home improvements for growing multi-generational households

Homeowners are finding it’s more important than ever to ensure every home improvement project delivers benefits for every member of the family – children, parents and grandparents. Whether your family grows with the birth of a child or because a grandparent has moved in with you, here are some home improvement projects that are multi-generational family-friendly.

The 24-hour challenge: Tackle your home to-do list

We all have home improvement projects on our to-do lists. However, often the hustle and bustle of life keeps us from getting them done. But what if you devoted a full day – 24 hours – to accomplishing these DIY projects? Imagine how accomplished you’d feel and how great your home would look.

Helping moms get finances on track for now and the future

Being a mom is a full-time job. No matter how old the children are, a mom is on call at all hours of the day and night, responding to injuries and broken hearts, handling homework questions, setting household rules, and establishing consequences if said rules are broken. But moms often have other jobs as well, juggling household chores, managing finances and often holding a full-time job.

Five tax advantages of life insurance

With another tax season behind us, it’s a good time to consider something that can offer a long-term tax benefit to you and your family: life insurance.