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Tuscany travel: For curious travelers, an Italian feast for all the senses

Some say that travel is about the journey more than the destination. And for a growing number of travelers, it’s all about the experience – both on the journey and within the destination. Travelers focus on getting a deeper, more authentic look at well-loved destinations. Tuscany travel experiences figure on the vacation wish lists of many, but travelers can find ways to make each visit to the region one that is beyond the ordinary.

Road trip tips: How to plan a memorable summer vacation and save money

As beautiful summer weather gradually makes its appearance across the nation, thoughts turn to summer travel plans. Americans enjoy the fun and relaxation of traveling: 77 percent of domestic trips are for leisure purposes, according to the U.S. Travel Association. If you want to vacation with friends or family, hitting the pavement for a road trip can’t be beat, and with a few money-saving tips and organization tricks, you’ll plan an awesome trip packed with memories.

Kitchen remodeling 101: Brush up on the basics

In this economy, taking on a kitchen remodel can be a scary proposition. You’re probably asking yourself plenty of questions. How drastically should you change the room? Do you need to hire a professional? Can you still recoup money spent on remodeling if you sell the house? Have no fear – these six tips will get you remodeling like a pro without losing your mind or breaking the bank.

Home harmonizing: Making outdoor entertaining areas as useful as indoors

The trend toward outdoor living spaces shows no signs of slowing, and the newest step in the trend is blurring the lines between outdoor and indoor spaces. Outdoor spaces are truly becoming an extension of indoors, mimicking the most useful and appealing elements of indoor spaces. The trend is rewriting how Americans construct, outfit and enjoy that backyard staple, the deck.

The decorator’s secret to make your first home magazine worthy

Whether you’ve signed a lease agreement or purchased a house, moving into your first home is an exciting time. For many people, it’s their first opportunity to express their personal style by decorating their own space.

What 3 design tips can give your home the wow factor?

“Go big or go home.” It’s a popular sports chant that’s found its way into numerous other aspects of American life. But when it comes to home decor, going big at home may not seem like an option, especially if your budget is less than grand.