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U.S. recognizes spectacular scenery on Colorado River below Hoover Dam

Take a first-hand look at the Colorado River between Hoover Dam and Willow Beach. That stretch of water is part of the Black Canyon Water Trail, one of 16 National Water Trails across the country and the first in the Southwest.

Tebow connects with faithful at Las Vegas church

Thousands gathered over the course of four services at Canyon Ridge Christian Church over the weekend to hear Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow share his Christian beliefs and watch him teach a pastor how to “Tebow,” proper kneel and all.

Three Up, Three Down: ‘Papa Joe’ lucid in wake of stroke, eyes return to radio

When longtime Las Vegan Armand “Papa Joe” Chevalier had his syndicated sports talk radio show on the Sporting News Radio network, he became known for “Bite Me Wednesday.” On this day, listeners were encouraged to call in on the 800 number and vent on somebody or something in sports, then finish their rant with that two-word interjection.