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Sexual harassment dominates news cycles in 2017

Whether 2017 becomes a historical turning point in workplace sexual harassment will remain speculation until time passes and historians look at the long haul.

Final impact of CCSD budget deficit extends beyond jobs lost

Through most of 2017, the size of the deficit and its impact on jobs were moving targets. Now that the School Board closed the roughly $62 million hole, it’s simply a sad chapter that further eroded trust in Nevada’s education system.

Tax bill spurs Fontainebleau redevelopment

The tax reform law championed by President Donald Trump and Sen. Dean Heller is already boosting Nevada’s economy. The proof is sitting right on the Strip.

Bundy mistrial highlights why right distrusts the feds — ANALYSIS

As Washington conservatives question whether partisan FBI officials working for Special Counsel Robert Mueller have stacked the deck against President Donald Trump, a criminal case in Las Vegas points to the sort of federal prosecutorial abuses that give the right cause for paranoia.

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