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US airstrikes destroy ammunition left behind in Syria

Most of the 1,000 U.S. forces in Syria are being withdrawn over the coming days and weeks because of the Turkish invasion into northern Syria and the attack on Kurdish forces.

Parents of slain teen stunned by Trump’s attempted actions

Harry Dunn, 19, was killed in August when his motorcycle collided with a car allegedly driven by Anne Sacoolas outside a British air force base.

House denounces Trump’s Syria decision

The House, including 129 Republicans, passed a bipartisan resolution to condemn President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw U.S. forces from northern Syria.

16 digital scams and the classic cons that inspired them

Fraud was rampant even before the internet. By knowing how scammers use modern technology to swipe money from victims — and the low-tech origins of those scams — you can keep your money safe.

Russia offers to mediate in Syria; Turks defy ceasefire pressure

As Russia and the U.S. launched diplomatic forays to end Turkey’s invasion of Syria, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan defied pressure for a ceasefire and said the only way the offensive would end was if Syrian Kurdish fighters leave a designated border area “by tonight.”

Felicity Huffman starts serving 2 weeks in college admissions scam

“Desperate Housewives” star Felicity Huffman — aka inmate No. 77806-112 — reported Tuesday to a federal prison in California to serve a two-week sentence in a college admissions scandal.