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Spending bill has money for Las Vegas shooting first responders

A sweeping $1.3 trillion spending bill to fund the federal government through September includes $16 million to assist law enforcement agencies with emergencies like the Oct. 1 mass shooting on the Strip, lawmakers revealed Wednesday.

Energy secretary grilled over request for funds to revive Yucca Mountain

Energy Secretary Rick Perry appeared before a Senate panel Tuesday where he laid out his department’s $30 billion budget that includes $120 million to revive licensing of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository plus implement interim storage at other sites.

Private Yucca meeting upsets Nevada officials

A March meeting between Nye County officials and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission chairwoman, who would oversee any future proceeding to determine if Yucca Mountain is safe for storage of waste, drew the ire of Nevada and its lawmakers on Tuesday.

House lawmakers decry federal inaction on Yucca Mountain

House lawmakers with nuclear power plants in their congressional districts on Monday decried federal failure to license and construct a permanent repository at Yucca Mountain as two Nevada congresswomen argued against storing waste in the state.