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Show&Tell: Shana Menkevich of ‘Magic and Mayhem’

Q: You started dancing in Michael's show in Atlantic City?

A: I went to work with Michael for about three years in different shows he's done. ... Then we got this show and he asked me to come onboard, so I said yes. It's been a lot of fun.

Q: What was the audition like?

A: It was mainly just dance ability. And, then, at the first rehearsal, they didn't waste any time making sure you're comfortable getting in and out (of tight spaces) for some of the tricks.

Q: That must have been strange.

A: Well, I always thought I was claustrophobic, and I learned very quickly I'm not claustrophobic (laughs). I think I'm more "people in an elevator" claustrophobic. I don't know if it's just the people around you ...

Q: Maybe you're just antisocial.

A: (Laughs) I don't know. But it was fun. It was different. I didn't know what to expect.

Q: What did your parents say when you told them you'd be in a magic show?

A: They were excited because it's different. One thing my mom said was, "Are they going to cut you in half?" (Laughs) That's the one big thing people always ask: Are you going to get cut in half? And I don't know that I've ever been cut in half.

Q: And Lacey Schwimmer (of "Dancing with the Stars") choreographs your show.

A: Oh yeah! When (Michael) first told me about the show, he said, "I think we're going to have Lacey onboard." I thought he was joking with me. I didn't think he was serious. I was, like, "OK, that would be awesome." But we showed up for rehearsal the first day and she was there. She's so great, so nice to work with, so much fun. It's a great experience.

Q: Do people underestimate the role choreography plays in a magic show?

A: I do. ... But I do think nowadays people are getting more and more involved in the choreography aspect. That's actually one of the things audiences always say to us after the show: "The dancing was phenomenal."

Q: It takes real talent to make all of the physical stuff you do look so graceful and effortless.

A: Dancingwise, knock on wood, I'm pretty good. In everyday life, I'm pretty klutzy. I think you'll find that with most dancers. Like, I trip on my own feet when I'm walking, but dancing, I guess because you know the steps, you know what you're doing 99 percent of the time. (Laughs) I guess I should dance through life instead of walk through life.

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