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Some measures must be taken to ensure a safe environment

Q: Heard from a friend living in a nearby community that his HOA is being sued. Reports are that some kid on a bike crashed into a palm tree and cut his arm. No details exactly where this vicious tree was: adjacent to a sidewalk, on a remote slope of the common elements, etc. Appears the tree was trimmed in the usual way where there are short pieces of the “fronds” still attached. Pieces must have been sharp enough to cause the injury. Our board has discussed this matter and is wondering if “shaving” or “skinning” the trunks is warranted — at least up to 8 feet to 10 feet in height. Not sure if either term is correct but it produces a “textured” and not one with, uh, sharp edges. Do we really have to go to this extreme? Would every HOA, park, casino, etc have to do the same? How idiot-proof can you make an environment? Pad the streets so if someone fell, they wouldn’t hurt themselves? Pad block walls so if someone bumped into them, they wouldn’t hurt themselves? The potential cost to shave trees could be enormous on anyone or everyone owning a potentially deadly palm tree. Is this bordering on absurdity?

A: I think that we all can agree that there is no way to make any community 100 percent safe from harm. To protect the association, we obtain insurance coverage and it is important for both the board and the community manager to understand what is covered and what is not covered. It is prudent to have the insurance representative attend a workshop or board meeting to review the policy, especially the list of exclusions.

It is important for all to be cognizant of any potential liability. In a recent famous playground case, the defect was well-known but not properly corrected by the association. In your case, since an incident has occurred, the association should have a thorough inspection with the landscape company to see if there are trees with potential hazards. With all of the recent strong winds, it does not take a rocket scientist to see trees that could easily fall on vehicles, roofs and buildings and possibly even people.

Q: I recently resigned from my homeowners association board because of vulgar, racist behavior from the board president. When I notified the management company the representatives didn’t seem concerned about his behavior.

Now, I’m finding out the management company has emailed a resident accusing me of collusion during a past community yard sale with a resident.

I’m not sure what my options are since I don’t have a lot of faith in the board or management company.

What do you suggest?

A: You would like to think that the board of directors would have taken a stand as to the president’s behavior, as that should have been the first course of action. The management company is at a disadvantage when it comes to inappropriate board behavior if the manager does not have the backing of the board. In this case, the only option you have is to file a complaint with the division pertaining to the behavior of the board president.

As to the alleged email, you should wait until you receive any formal complaint from the board before taking any action.

Q: Are HOAs required to tell homeowners why a manger was let go?

A: No. The last thing that any association wants to have happen is a wrongful termination lawsuit. Employment is confidential, especially if the manager was terminated.

Barbara Holland is a certified property manager, broker and supervisory certified association manager. Questions may be sent to holland744o@gmail.com.

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Payment portals on HOA websites not required

Under SB 378, an association will no longer be forced to utilize an online payment portal for association payments.

Condo owner says others not paying their fair share

You need to address this issue with both your community manager and board of directors. If you cannot obtain a satisfactory answer then you should contact the Nevada Real Estate Division and file a formal complaint.

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Do you think I will be able to ask our new management company if they would set up a Zoom meeting or Google meet for future meetings?

Large HOAs need secure online presence

Associations that contain fewer than 150 units are encouraged not required to establish and maintain internet websites or electronic portals.

Bright street lights steal homeowners’ sleep

Unfortunately, you do not have viable options if the HOA board does not become involved to help resolve the lighting problem.

Condo community installs gates at trash enclosures

If you do not have the no trespassing signs with the NRS law, you would need them posted in your community, as the police could remove people from your property.

HOA board member doesn’t want to raise assessments

No one likes to increase the assessment but unfortunately too many associations do not increase their assessment when it should be increased.

Renter says HOA board member is harassing her

You could speak with an attorney or one of the investigators at the Nevada Real Estate Division to determine your options, other than moving out when your lease expires.

Homeowner should call utility not police over sewer bill

A simple phone call to the Water Reclamation District will confirm the payment received by your management company and for the period of time that was covered with the payment.

Homeowner says it’s time to for HOAs to ditch Zoom meetings

Q: It’s been four years since COVID, and quite frankly, I’m tired of hearing excuses from lazy people who refuse to convene as normal. And while I understand the convenience of Zoom meetings, they are not without fault and major issues.