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Minor pests, major dangers – even in Las Vegas

They each weigh about 2.5 milligrams and fly about 1.5 mph. You might think of them more as annoying pests than anything else.
They are, however, far more than annoying – they’re the most dangerous creatures on Earth.

HEALTH Q&A: Immunization

Q: Who should decide when kids are immunized?

Five steroid vials seized from Clark County

Federal officials confiscated from Clark County five vials of the steroid linked to a national meningitis outbreak, a health official said Thursday.

Woman dies, four new cases of West Nile virus reported in Clark County

A 75-year-old woman stricken last month with the year’s first documented local case of West Nile virus has died, and four other Southern Nevadans have come down with the disease, the Southern Nevada Health District reported Tuesday.

Breast cancer patients get help from loved ones

Shannon West Redwine’s bones scream the scream that only she can hear – she describes it as a high-pitched whine accompanying the excruciating pain from chemotherapy-induced stress fractures in her back. She pants like a woman in the last stages of labor.

Las Vegas doctor fuels patients’ courage to fight cancer

So often Dr. Heather Allen sees it – a patient arrives, most often a woman, with anxiety buzzing inside her head like a power drill.
Fear is a natural response to a threat, the physician knows, and the threat her patient has received – a diagnosis of breast cancer – can leave her patient too shell shocked to focus on survival, particularly if she does not believe a legitimate counterattack is at hand.

Groups, resources help Las Vegas breast cancer patients

Although 1.3 million people are diagnosed with breast cancer annually, those who receive the diagnosis can feel isolated. It’s as if they are facing the physical, emotional and financial distress alone.
But that’s not the case in the Las Vegas Valley, where several resources offer support to breast cancer patients and their family members, friends and caregivers.

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