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Give old popcorn containers a new purpose

DEAR READERS: Uses for popcorn cans, from a reader in Kansas:

n As recycling or trash containers.

n As storage for pet food.

n As storage for seasonal decorations.

n To hold umbrellas or walking sticks.

n As storage for sewing supplies.

- Heloise

DEAR HELOISE: When disposing of old credit cards, after cutting up, put part in the recycle bin and part in the garbage. This way, if anyone finds it, he or she will not have a complete number. - Marilyn F., via email

DEAR MARILYN: Good point. But if you have cut it up enough, it would be very difficult for someone to put it back together. - Heloise

DEAR HELOISE: When I peel vegetables or anything messy like that, I put newspaper in the sink. When I'm finished, I can wrap it up and throw it away. This way, there's no mess to clean up. - Glenda L. in Louisiana

DEAR HELOISE: I would like to remind anyone who has small children around to make sure they close all their spray bottles.

Children love spray bottles, and if sprayed into their eyes, it can be very dangerous.-Janet T., Mayer, Ariz.

DEAR JANET: Good point. Spray bottles do come with on/off positions. We just have to remember to put them in the off position when done. - Heloise

DEAR HELOISE: I spray-painted several large, plastic containers of cat litter, drilled holes in the bottom and planted tomatoes in them. They did great! - Pam from Arizona

DEAR PAM: What a great idea. And painting them allows you to match any color scheme.

Readers, what do you think? How do you reuse your large plastic tubs? Write and let me know. - Heloise

DEAR READERS: Does this sound familiar? You have an old dresser cluttering up the spare bedroom or attic, and you need extra storage.

Pull the drawers, add a caster to each corner of the drawer and roll it under your bed! Add big knobs to pull the drawer out. It's perfect for storing sweaters and other out-of-season clothes, shoes, etc. - Heloise

Hints from Heloise is syndicated by King Features Syndicate. Send great hints to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; by fax, 210-HELOISE (435-6473); or by email, Heloise@Heloise.com.

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