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Home and Garden

Avoid bird damage with certain tactics

Question: What can be done to keep birds from eating all the fruit in an orchard? My brother has an orchard in southern Utah. There are about 100 trees, mostly dwarf and semi dwarf. Last year, birds got 90 percent of the fruit. He has tried scarecrows, but that didn’t work. He has also tried aluminum foil pie tins, but that only worked temporarily. Is there any solution for him other than buying netting to cover the trees?

Chemicals not a sure-fire way to kill ash tree

Question: I have a huge ash tree that I want to either stop from seeding or kill. I heard about a product that can stop seeding, but I am told due to the size of the tree, it is impossible to spray the blooms. This tree is at least 50 feet tall. It is a real nuisance.

Fruit tree selection based on chill hours

Question: I am in the process of ordering a couple of fruit trees online. What are the chill hours for Sun City Anthem in Henderson? I thought it was 300 hours or less. A couple of apricot trees you have recommended have been 400 and 500 hours (Blenheim and Royal Rosa), and I am wondering if that is too many.

Yellow bells prefer warm winter spots

Question: Last year, we planted a yellow bells plant. It appears to have died over winter. Do we need to trim it back to bring it back to life or just be patient and wait?

Backyard microclimates support tender citruses

Question: Inspired by you, I have planted a tree from your recommended tree list and another that I don’t think is in there, a Meyer lemon. I planted a lemon after seeing other people in the valley having success with it. I would like to know what precautions I should take growing a lemon tree here.

Symposiums planned for homeowners seeking assistance

Real estate agent Greg Smith has hosted two of a planned nine symposiums on short sales, foreclosures and mortgage insecurity. He gathered real estate experts, loan adjusters, attorneys and credit professionals for those whose homes are at the brink or deeply immersed in jeopardy.

Homeowner earns award after having lawn redesigned

Summerlin resident Brian Arlin converted his thirsty front lawn into a water-efficient landscape and earned the Southern Nevada Water Authority’s Yard of the Month designation for March.

Pecans too big, water intensive for desert

Question: We want to plant a pecan tree. Would you please recommend one for Las Vegas? If we plant one, can we cut it way back and keep it small like we did our other fruit trees?

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