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Citrus persnickety especially when young

Question: We have a question about our 5 to 6 year old naval orange tree. For the past 2 to 3 years, we left the fruit on the tree until the weather man said freezing temperatures were coming. But with just cold nights, the fruit seems to dry out. Can we pick the fruit early and let the oranges ripen in the house?

Coir matting normal in some palms

Question: I have “burlap” growing between the fronds at the trunk of my 4-year-old male date palm. They look awful and are difficult to manage. Please advise.

Quince takes planting care in valley

Question: For many years, my family has had access to wild, abandoned quince bushes in the east San Francisco Bay area. We have since moved from there and see that you list this fruit as a tree that may survive here in the Las Vegas area with the proper soil.

Indoor plants are a personal choice

Question: Can you recommend a good, small indoor tree for my living room that will grow almost up to the cathedral ceiling?

RO water safe for plants, just lacking salts

Question: Regarding using house water for plants: Is it safe to use reverse osmosis water as compared to tap water?

Lemon fruit drop can happen for variety of reasons

Question: Our Meyer lime is full of blooms. In previous years, it has yielded lots of fruit. However, last year, the blooms were abundant, but all of the bloom fell off, and we had a crop of one lime. What happened?

Pine tree sap around wounds signals healing

Question: A pine tree in my front yard appears to have had two open wounds for some time, judging by the amount of sap around them.

Shape ash trees early on or face pruning pickle

Question: We have two fan Texas Ash trees that are 15 years old. They are spreading out too far. How far can we cut them back without killing them?

Bolster fig yield with a second tree

Question: I have a large fig tree that gives me small green figs, and that is all I get. I think the problem is not enough water, as you said. I also saw the picture of cuttings to grow another tree. Can I do that, or should I buy a second tree? What about pruning? Is this a good time?

Bird’s nest mushrooms benefit soil

I found some mystery pods in the garden when doing some clean up. One of the pods is closed, and the second is open and with what appears to be small black seeds. Any idea what this is?

Bean stalks bend in the cold due to stem rot

Question: I recently planted bean seeds in pots on my porch here in Las Vegas. However, after the bean stalks were half a foot tall, they bent over, turned dark and died.

Iron chelate bolsters leaves on lemon trees

Question: I have a small lemon tree growing in a large container. I now have many small lemons on it, which seem to be getting larger. My problem is that the leaves are a sickly, yellow color.

Pruning shade trees can cause future problems

Question: I have a modesto or Texas ash tree that was planted seven or eight years ago in my lawn. Do you think if I prune it back this winter that it would grow in to be fuller? If so, how much should I prune off?

Soil fungi good for plant root health

Question: What are your thoughts on mycorrhizae? I bought some a while back from T&J Enterprises out of Washington state, and the chiles seemed to do really well. Is it an aid or just my imagination?

Troublesome ground squirrel can dig up, eat tulips

Question: Yesterday, I found three deep, very round holes dug about 6 inches apart at the edge of my raised garden where I have had tulips planted for years. Dirt was kicked out, and baby tulip bulbs were scattered.