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Home and Garden

Roses only need water every other day in summer

Roses do not need daily watering, even during the hottest days. If the soil was prepared correctly at planting time and the soil surface covered in wood chips, they should get watered — at the most during the hottest times — every other day.

Create a functional home study area for children

Because the coronavirus pandemic is keeping many children at home, parents must make online education at home as enjoyable and conducive to learning as possible.

Las Vegas Market to offer virtual showcase

Las Vegas Market event organizers initiated a “Build the Room” virtual showcase to display products and add more visual elements to the experience. In the showcase, 12 designers from around the country pushed creative limits in different areas of the home.

Pool builders see jump in business

A long-time pool-building veteran says sales are up about 40 percent this year, and it’s largely the result of people being stuck at home and looking to make their backyard more of an entertainment oasis.

Garage storage space can be expanded

Shelves, cabinets, hooks and other accessories can quadruple garage storage space.

Renewal pruning will reinvigorate hibiscus

Renewal pruning, cutting deep inside the shrub and removing larger wood, results in a flush of sucker growth from the remaining stubs that will be succulent and produce lots of leaves and flowers.

Patio covers help beat summer heat

In addition to seeking shade, entertaining and expanding indoor living space are among the other reasons homeowners desire cover for their backyards.

No need to replace door, just threshold

Over time, a threshold can become damaged and need replacement. If you have a gap between the bottom of the door and the threshold, you may be able to avoid replacing the threshold and install a new sweep on the bottom of the door instead.

Bird pecking can indicate fruit is ready to harvest

Plums and pluots improve in flavor when they are kept on the tree longer and harvested closer to their mature date. These fruits are normally harvested from the end of July to the first or second week of August in our climate.

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