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Time magazine names Pope Francis as Person of the Year

Time magazine selected Pope Francis as its Person of the Year on Wednesday, saying the Catholic Church’s new leader has changed the perception of the 2,000-year-old institution in an extraordinary way in a short time.

Mormon church cites ‘era of racial divide’ for early priesthood ban on blacks

More than three decades after reversing its prohibition of black having the priesthood, the Mormon church has disavowed the ban, saying it was put into place during an era of great racial divide that influenced early teachings of the church.

Little boy steals spotlight from Pope Francis

Speaking in St. Peter’s Square Pope Francis was joined by a little boy who wandered on stage during a “Family Day” celebration.

William, Kate christen Prince George in London

Dressed in a lace gown designed in the 1840s and doused with water from the River Jordan, 3-month-old Prince George, third in line to the British throne, was christened Wednesday in London.

Mormon missionary count hits milestone of 75,000

The number of Mormon missionaries surpassed 75,000 worldwide in August, driven by the church’s decision to lower the minimum age for ambassadors of the Utah-based faith.

Pope shows rebel side, tells young to shake things up

RIO DE JANEIRO — Pope Francis showed his rebel side Thursday, urging young Catholics to shake up the church and make a “mess” in their dioceses by going out into the streets to spread the faith. It’s a message he put into practice by visiting one of Rio’s most violent slums and opening the church’s World Youth Day on a rain-soaked Copacabana Beach.

Pope Francis clears John Paul II, John XXIII for sainthood

Pope Francis on Friday cleared Pope John Paul II for sainthood, approving a miracle attributed to his intercession and setting up a remarkable dual canonization along with another beloved pope, John XXIII.

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