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Bob Morris

Bob Morris

Bob Morris is a horticulture expert living in Las Vegas and professor emeritus for the University of Nevada. Visit his blog at xtremehorticulture.blogspot.com. Send questions to Extremehort@aol.com.

Iron chelate bolsters leaves on lemon trees

Question: I have a small lemon tree growing in a large container. I now have many small lemons on it, which seem to be getting larger. My problem is that the leaves are a sickly, yellow color.

Pruning shade trees can cause future problems

Question: I have a modesto or Texas ash tree that was planted seven or eight years ago in my lawn. Do you think if I prune it back this winter that it would grow in to be fuller? If so, how much should I prune off?

Soil fungi good for plant root health

Question: What are your thoughts on mycorrhizae? I bought some a while back from T&J Enterprises out of Washington state, and the chiles seemed to do really well. Is it an aid or just my imagination?

Troublesome ground squirrel can dig up, eat tulips

Question: Yesterday, I found three deep, very round holes dug about 6 inches apart at the edge of my raised garden where I have had tulips planted for years. Dirt was kicked out, and baby tulip bulbs were scattered.

Eastern redbud has a hard time in the Western US

Question: I am sending you some pictures of my Eastern redbud tree. It has some problems, and I want to know how to correct these.

Trim yucca flower stalks quickly

Question: I have a Yucca that has finally matured enough to flower. Do I leave the flower stock on or cut it off once the flowers are dead?

Asparagus fern is aptly named

Question: I recently purchased an asparagus fern, which after a few weeks of tender, loving care, has decided to go bonkers.

Hedges can take gentle pruning

Question: Our mature shrubs have just gone through a summer growth spurt that seems to be unusual compared to previous summers. How much can we prune them?

Foliar fertilization good for flowering woody plants

Question: We have a crape myrtle tree in our southwest back yard. It gets plenty of water, and I fertilized it last month with some Miracle Grow flowering fertilizer. At the time, there were some burned edges on some of the leaves and some yellowing. Now it is really burned on the edges of all of the leaves with yellowing. HELP!

Peach trees puzzling for area

Question: I live in the Mesquite area (1,800 feet elevation) and was looking to plant three different varieties of peach that would not ripen all at the same time. Would also appreciate some advice on when to plant them and where I might obtain them should you recommend bare roots.

Fruitless trees can still sometimes create produce

Question: I read a small article online that you wrote about fruitless olive trees. We just had two new 36-inch box fruitless olive trees planted in our front yard. We noticed about a dozen green olives growing at the top areas of the trees.