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Garlic either soft or hard necked

Question: I’ve seen garlic at outdoor markets where the garlic is actually braided.

51s president says Summerlin stadium would be a win-win for fans and downtown

There are some heavy hitters who would like to see the Las Vegas 51s hit a grand slam by relocating from Cashman Field to a new ballpark in Summerlin. Some have a sustained financial interest, some are concerned about the public interest, and still others have a deep Summerlin interest. Then there are the baseball purists, for whom the fans’ interest is uppermost. And that’s where Don Logan enters the picture.

Wood from orchard is safe for smoking meats

Q: Is using wood from a commercial orchard safe for smoking meats? I don’t know whether you use any of these, but I figured you might have an answer .

Carpenter bees can wreak havoc on mimosa tree

Question: My mother’s mimosa tree was fine May 24. Something has attacked it. I attached before-and-after photos, with close-ups of a couple of damaged areas.

Escape summer’s swelter in Bryce Canyon’s lofty elevations

Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah is enjoyed by about 2 million visitors a year who come to see its 10 deep, hoodoo-filled amphitheaters. Hoodoos are called that because they are tall natural columns that suggest living but unearthly beings. They are formed by an unusual type of erosion involving the freeze-and-thaw cycle that is repeated approximately 200 days every year due to the park’s high elevation.

Water plants deeply to reduce temperature stress

The current high temperatures will have a big effect on plants’ water use and stress. Make sure landscape plants are deeply watered during this time of high stress. It is best that plants enter into the heat of the day with plenty of water rather than applying it at the end of the day.

Saguaro buckling caused by overwatering

Question: I saw your blog and was wondering if you would help us with a saguaro problem. We bought a healthy saguaro in December and transplanted it ourselves.

Refresh your marriage with a golf trip to Lake Tahoe

Alpine skiing. Alpine lake. Alpine forest. Alpine lodging. How about Alpine golf? Even better, how about a trip for both you and the wife?

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