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Letter to the editor Sept. 10-16


My friend Perry Eichler has been at (University Medical Center) for three months. He has been in seven institutions since April 12, 2013. (View Letter to the Editor, June 18: reviewjournal.com/view/letters-editor-june-18-24.)

Still no guardian, no Medicaid, no Medicare disability, etc. Guess there was no reason for him to work and have COBRA insurance? What? Those who have no money or power don’t get adequate care? His social worker at UMC indicated it might even be January before Perry is placed in a skilled facility.

And I do understand the nurses and doctors at UMC are wanting him placed as much as he is!

Mayor, what kind of city do we have? Do you know how many phone calls and places I have gone to help Perry?

— Sheryl A. Hay BSN, RN (retired), Las Vegas


We can complain, print our opinions etc., but how does all this help the kids who can’t afford their school supplies? The teacher’s job is to teach; the school board’s job is to provide teachers with the materials (textbooks, etc.) to work. It’s the parents’ job to provide the pen/pencils, workbooks, paper, etc. their kids need.

OK, I know everyone wants their kids to fit in, but come on now. We’ve raised our kids, and through the years, we’ve always bought a couple of extra sets of pens, pencils, notebooks and packages of paper when they’re on clearance, so now we give them to our grandkids because of their needs and the costs.

Our kids are minimum-wage earners, so iPads, iPhones and tablets are out of the question, and they shop at Value Village.

So parents, be parents! Your kids need guidance to excel in school, not stuff everyone else has that has to be upgraded every six months at a cost, of course.

Even we still buy some extras for our local elementary school, and we are semiretired. So we don’t go to a movie one week, big deal because now some kid will have a pencil. Let’s all do our part to help, eh?

— Cliff and Karen King,

Las Vegas

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