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Lake Powell area calm after the summer season

The monsoon season is over, the crowds have gone, and the daytime temperatures are ideal — perfect conditions for a fall trip to Lake Powell. The lake, which boasts more than 1,800 miles of shoreline, lies within the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, on the border of Arizona and Utah. The lake was created when the Glen Canyon Dam was built. Although the dam was, and still is, a controversial topic for many, the lake it created has become an outdoor person’s paradise.

Canyonlands pictographs take one to another world

The Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon is one of the most significant rock art sites in North America. It is in a remote area of Canyonlands National Park, Utah. A trip there requires plenty of preparation, plus the equipment and willingness to drive a 30-mile gravel road to the trailhead. Once there, you’ll need to hike down through the slick rock, which contains a few high drop-offs into the canyon. It is a moderately strenuous hike of about 6.5 miles roundtrip with an elevation loss/gain of about 800 feet at the beginning and that much to climb back up at hike’s end.

Desk cleaning leads to drive down memory lane

I was not looking forward to the task. Clearing out your desk is not a pleasant chore. It’s the fall version of spring cleaning.

Ash Meadows offers looks at rare species and history

With the opening of school and the approach of holidays, most of us become too busy to escape for long from our city lives. That makes the Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge a good choice for a September escape. Lying in Nevada near the California state line, it’s close enough to enjoy thoroughly in a single day, yet it’s a little farther north, a little higher, and therefore a little cooler, than our own valley. Now is an especially good time to go if you enjoy birdwatching or counting how many different kinds you can see, for the fall migratory season is upon us, and more than 275 species have been recorded there.

North Rim less crowded, offers better views of Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park is visited by nearly 5 million people a year, and not surprisingly, many complain that it’s crowded. But you don’t have to endure that because the vast majority of those millions gaze upon the canyon from its South Rim. Those who choose the North Rim get much more elbow room.

Navajo monument offers archaeological history

A visit to Canyon de Chelly National Monument is a feast for the eyes and soul. There, you will find sheer red sandstone cliffs rising 1,000 feet above the fertile farmland of the canyons, where prehistoric Ancestral Puebloan ruins and hundreds of other archaeological sites dot the landscape. People have lived there nearly 5,000 years; it is believed to be the longest continuous occupancy of any site on the Colorado Plateau.

Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park in a class of its own

Nevada is home to 23 state parks, the majority with only one unique feature. But Berlin-Ichthyosaur State Park is in a class of its own, as it features not only a well-preserved historic mining town but also remains of the ancient ichthyosaur (pronounced ICK-thee-o-saur), our state fossil.

Take a break in small Southern Utah park

Cedar Breaks National Monument in southern Utah is a small park most cherished by us desert dwellers for its cool summer temperatures and spectacular views into its deep, hoodoo-filled amphitheater. During July and August, you’ll find the little park brimming with additional activities, any one of which, by itself, might be worth the journey there.

Rock Spring Loop still cool enough to enjoy

Before the weather gets any hotter in our region, a good place for a short hike might be Mojave National Preserve in California just south of the Nevada border. One you might try is the Rock Spring Loop, which boasts a historic stone house, the site of a 19th-century Army post, a natural spring and American Indian petroglyphs.

Slide Rock park offers a pleasant spot by the water

Along the Sedona-Oak Creek Canyon Scenic Drive just north of Sedona, you’ll find Slide Rock State Park, one of Arizona’s most beloved destinations.

Sequoia a perfect long-weekend getaway

By most definitions, giant sequoias are the largest trees on Earth, and they will surely inspire awe in anyone fortunate enough to see them. And because they grow within a long weekend’s journey of Southern Nevada, you can be among the fortunate. But if you intend to do that this summer, it’s best to plan now, for this kind of trip will be most pleasant if you make reservations, allowing time to incorporate other activities.

Native Indian rock art adorns canyon

Grapevine Canyon, located toward the southern end of Lake Mead National Recreation Area, is said to be among the best of all places to see the intriguing Native American rock art called petroglyphs. It’s certainly one of the easiest to visit. It’s especially good if you want to take small children or other folks who can’t hike long distances, as the best petroglyph panels are at the mouth of the canyon only about a quarter-mile from the parking area.

Bay laurel a bad choice of trees

Question: On the north side of our house, we have a 10-foot-wide space we are trying to landscape. Several have suggested planting bay laurel trees, but we are concerned about the tree’s size for the space. When we went to the nursery, their suggestion was the Majestic Beauty hawthorn tree. Will the hawthorn tree do well in our climate and soils?

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