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Harnessing paranormal activity for golf improvement proves tricky

According to “Reader’s Digest Universal Dictionary,” a superstition is an unfounded belief that some action or circumstance completely unrelated to a course of events can influence its outcome. I’m just like most golfers. Maybe a little bit more out of round, but who’s counting?

Fig cuttings must acclimate to outdoors

Question: I have several fig cuttings that are growing in a vermiculite and perlite mix inside the house. When is the best time to transplant them into the ground outside? Or do I have to go through an interim stage of a small pot with potting soil first?

Pollinating insects sometimes strike at right time

Question: We have small butterflies on our plum tree. There are hundreds of them. Are they pollinating our trees? The bees were here, but these have taken over.

Leaving snakes alone benefits both parties

It is that time of year again when resident rattlesnakes start appearing on our local hiking trails. They come out of hibernation to enjoy the 70- to 90-degree temperature range, just as many humans do.

Visit Death Valley before the weather turns deadly

In the waning weeks of winter, if you live in Southern Nevada, you owe yourself a trip to Death Valley National Park, just over the mountains in California. Warm weather arrives at the park earlier than in the Las Vegas Valley and are often ideal.

Keeping kiwis protected paramount to success

Question: I recently purchased male and female Hardy Kiwi starts form Parks Seed Company. I was wondering if you might be able to give me any tips for growing them here in the Las Vegas Valley. I have done some reading on pruning and training them into a trunk and building a T-trellis. In what I have read, they need full sunlight, but I am of the mind that perhaps afternoon shade might be a bit better.

Texas laurel a persnickety plant

Question: My Texas mountain laurel has yellow leaves, and they continue to get more yellow as time goes by. It faces southwest, has two adjustable emitters turned down low, watering once a week for one hour in the winter.

Sapsucker damage is impossible to prevent

Question: Can you tell what is damaging my 7-year-old blue ghost tree? This damage is about 12 feet high on the north side, and there is a line of holes in the trunk.

Fruit trees prefer wood mulch to rock

Question: I have a good-sized area covered with rock mulch. A flowering plum tree is struggling in this area. Can a Myer’s lemon tree do well in a rock mulch setting?

Warm midwinter weather confusing to bulbs

Question: My crocuses and tulips are poking their heads out of the dirt in my garden. They’re growing. We have had great spring weather in January. Should I let them continue, or should I put some more dirt on them?

Mulch of any type important to all plants

Question: I heard it is best to move rock away from my shrubs and replace it with mulch. What is your recommendation?

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