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Las Vegas breaking news from Nevada's most reliable source. Read about the latest updates happening in Las Vegas at reviewjournal.com.

Route 91 bartenders say they didn’t receive proper pay

The company that bartenders say hired them for the Route 91 Harvest music festival went out of business, resulting in an investigation surrounding its hiring practices and many bartenders claiming they didn’t receive proper pay.

Man now honorary uncle after helping mom-to-be at Oct. 1 shooting

They met for less than a minute amid the chaos of Oct. 1, and neither remembers it very well. But Vanessa Esquivel said Kody Robertson did more than enough in a few short seconds to earn the rank of honorary uncle to her newborn son.

Las Vegas shooting victim Tina Frost to have surgeries for eye

Tina Frost, one of the most seriously injured victims of the mass shooting on the Las Vegas Strip, is preparing for surgeries in Maryland necessary for the fitting of a prosthetic eye, according to her family.

News of Florida shooting hits some in Las Vegas hard

Call volumes are increasing at the Vegas Strong Resiliency Center following the shooting in Florida, and experts say many people are still absorbing news of the latest massacre and may not experience symptoms immediately.