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Analysis: Las Vegas getting hotter faster than most other cities

Las Vegas is known for its sweltering summers, but according to an Associated Press analysis of federal temperatures released Wednesday, the valley is now the sixth-fastest warming city in the nation.

New trial sought for Las Vegas man whose disabled son died in hot car

A man convicted in the death of his 4-year-old son who was left in an SUV in June 2008 should get a new trial on myriad issues, including that Stanley Rimer should have been tried separately from his wife, his lawyer told the Nevada Supreme Court Wednesday.

Court gives OJ lawyers a week to resubmit appeal

O.J. Simpson’s lawyers were given another week Friday to reformat and resubmit an appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court seeking a new trial in the kidnapping and armed robbery case of the former football star.

Nevada Economic Forum hears grim news about mining tax revenue

Nevada’s state general fund is taking a hit this year of more than $70 million due to changes in the state’s gold mining industry, but the effect on the counties that rely on the net proceeds of minerals will be tougher to absorb.

UNLV committee outlines presidential search process

The UNLV presidential search committee wants a diverse group of three to five candidates to visit campus and complete interviews, but a deadline will not be set.

Republicans could face backlash on immigration inaction, survey says

Seven out of 10 Latino voters nationwide say it’s “very” or “extremely” important for Congress to pass an immigration reform bill this year, according to a new poll released Tuesday with a summer window of opportunity closing by Aug. 1.

Truck driver sentenced to 4 years in triple-fatal Nevada crash

A semi-truck driver who admitted he was speeding when he slammed into a car and tow truck on the side of a rural Northern Nevada highway apologized to the families of three victims before he was sentenced to up to four years in prison.

Wild rose in Northern Nevada, California now protected

A wild rose that grows in Northern Nevada and Northern California will be protected through the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced Monday.

Tea party group fires latest shot in Koch war

Tea Party Patriots filed a Senate complaint on Monday against Sen. Harry Reid, saying the majority leader from Nevada was using his office to “unlawfully and unethically” target private citizens, namely billionaire industrialists Charles and David Koch.

ATV users seek protection of their access to scenic, petroglyph-rich Gold Butte

Most of the questions posed in the aftermath of Cliven Bundy’s April skirmish with armed federal agents in Bunkerville have centered on what the government will do next, but even deeper questions remain about the future of the Gold Butte area where the rancher’s cattle grazed, a geological and archaeological treasurehouse frequented by ATV users.

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