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Mandatory military service would do wonders for America

It is past time for the government to stop ignoring the fact that there are crazy people out there and to do something to protect our society from those who wish us harm.

Meatless Mondays a nice gesture by the Clark County Commission

Many residents appreciate that Clark County is moving in the right direction toward being a healthy, environmentally-responsible community and we’re proud of our commissioners.

No second thoughts about supporting Donald Trump

Once the Democrats admit Hillary lost, suck it up and let Mr. Trump’s agenda move forward, we’ll see the Trump doctrine bring prosperity and greatness to this country.

Nevada, school choice and vouchers

Continuing to mislabel Education Savings Accounts as “vouchers” likely will not be a winning strategy for Nevada’s teacher unions and their Democrat benefactors in the long run.

When will Donald Trump start acting presidential?

I was willing to give Mr. Trump the benefit of the doubt that he would prove to be worthy of the title. I’ve been waiting since Jan. 20. No proof yet.

Perhaps Germany offers a model for American health care

When East and West Germany were reunited, they needed to figure out a health-care system that included the wealthy West Germans, the poorer East Germans and the Turkish imported factory workers.

President had a point about London mayor

Maybe our chattering class could consider a little more to what extent they are involved in creating President Trump’s image and try giving the man a chance.

Money doesn’t always win in politics

Last Nov. 8, the people did vote for the person who raised less money by hundreds of millions of dollars. Checkmate.

Misplaced hyperbole about GOP health care reform

My guess is that the Silver State will not be “devastated’”and will survive whatever revisions to health care may be authored by Democrats or Republicans from time to time.

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