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GOP candidates for lieutenant governor contend for support in Elko

The two Republican candidates for lieutenant governor took their primary battle to rural Nevada on Friday in a contest that could have far-reaching consequences for the state’s political future.

Hutchison once left GOP — but not for very long

Back in January 2004, after then-Gov. Kenny Guinn appointed Republican Las Vegas attorney Mark Hutchison to the state Ethics Commission, a problem quickly arose.

Republicans shorten primary season for presidential race

Republican leaders overwhelmingly voted Friday to shorten their presidential selection process in an attempt to minimize damage from GOP candidates attacking each other.

EDITORIAL: Remembering Martin Luther King

If we are wise, the passing of time provides perspective. Those things that seem abhorrent and impossible today may take on wholly different color through the lens of time.

NJ lane closings led to rush for damage-control

Prominent Republicans leapt to GOP Gov. Chris Christie’s defense on Sunday, insisting that an ongoing traffic scandal wouldn’t ruin any presidential ambitions, while Democrats say it’s difficult to believe such a hands-on manager knew nothing about a plan by a top aide to close lanes at a bridge into New York City.

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