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Nevada caucuses test candidates with Latino voters

The Nevada caucuses pose an important test for former Vice President Joe Biden, Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders and other presidential hopefuls with Latinos, who make up a third of the state’s population.

Paper option helps speed Nevada caucus early voting on Day 2

A Democratic party spokesperson said the party believed early voting went well overall and that having a paper backup option used by some precincts to speed up the process was a planned contingency.

Democratic presidential candidates speak at Las Vegas gala

Former Vice President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Amy Klobuchar, businessman Tom Steyer and former South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg spoke during the Clark County Democrats gala at the Tropicana in Las Vegas on Saturday night.

FBI to keep states in loop on election breaches, sources say

In the past, the FBI would alert local governments about attacks on their electoral systems without automatically sharing that information with the state.