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Las Vegas afternoon update – July 17, 2017
Las Vegas afternoon update – July 17, 2017

• A threatening letter was left at the Las Vegas office of Senator Dean Heller. Police won’t say what was in the letter. They were notified after a burglary alarm went off but determined a burglary did not occur.
• If you’re driving from Las Vegas to Hoover Dam, you’ll get to zoom along two miles of the new Interstate 11 by the end of this month. Vehicles will get to use a new 600-foot-long flyover bridge. However, it’s not open for northbound drivers yet.
• A 4.1 magnitude earthquake struck the Nevada National Security Site this morning. That’s about 33 miles southeast of Yucca Mountain. No injuries or damage were reported.
• And UNLV’s medical school starts its first classes today. The first class includes 60 students.

Nevada Senate vote sends Yucca Mountain resolution to Congress

The Nevada Senate gave final legislative approval Wednesday to a resolution strongly opposing any attempts by Congress to make Yucca Mountain the nation’s high-level nuclear waste dump.

Nuclear waste solution must include Yucca Mountain, key GOP lawmaker says

Yucca Mountain continues to be considered by a Republican lawmaker on a key congressional panel to be part of a comprehensive solution to the continuing problem of storing nuclear waste generated by power plants.

Nevada’s newest senator’s fight begins

Nevada’s newest U.S. senator knows in her head that passing comprehensive immigration reform is a long shot, especially in the dawning Donald Trump era. But that doesn’t mean she’s going to stop fighting.

New Yucca Mountain plan surfaces in Congress

A proposal that surfaced in Congress this week aims to spur a revival of the Yucca Mountain project, providing necessary land and water rights to build out the site if federal officials find that nuclear waste can be buried safely inside

Presidential hopeful Carson: Focus on common goals

Republican presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson told a Las Vegas audience Wednesday that the United States needs to focus on its common goals and not be divided by political correctness.

Reid takes shots at GOP campaign talk on Yucca

A couple of Republican presidential hopefuls have ventured into Nevada-dicey territory by talking about Yucca Mountain and giving U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, the state’s top Democrat, an opening to take some shots.