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In endorsement, Obama says Biden has ‘qualities we need’

Former President Barack Obama endorsed Joe Biden on Tuesday, giving the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee a boost from the party’s biggest fundraiser and one of its most popular figures.

Sullenberger joins Joe Biden at Henderson rally — VIDEO

Former Vice President Joe Biden and famous pilot Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger spoke at Sun City MacDonald Ranch in Henderson on Friday night to “get out the vote” for early voting for the Nevada caucus.

Trump coming to Las Vegas on Tuesday

President Donald Trump will come to Las Vegas Tuesday night, two days ahead of a graduation speech he is set to deliver for ex-offenders enrolled in Hope for Prisoners at Metropolitan Police Department headquarters Thursday.

Tense Democratic debate features sparring Warren, Sanders

The drama unfolded just 20 days before Iowa’s kick-off caucuses with four candidates tangled at the top of the shifting field.