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Pelosi, others hail John Lewis as ‘conscience’ of Congress as he lies in state

In a solemn display of bipartisan unity, congressional leaders praised the late Democratic Rep. John Lewis as a moral force for the nation on Monday in a Capitol Rotunda ceremony rich with symbolism and punctuated by the booming, recorded voice of the late civil rights icon.

Clark County bars to remain closed due to COVID-19, Sisolak says

Pubs, bars and taverns in Clark, Nye, Washoe and Elko counties will remain closed, Gov. Steve Sisolak announced during a Monday news conference in which he updated Nevada’s COVID-19 response.

Travelers weigh push to rename Las Vegas’ McCarran airport

With a slew of commemorative statues and namesakes on buildings being removed in recent weeks due to their likeness having a racist or controversial background, the push to change McCarran International Airport’s name has been reignited.

George Floyd protesters in LA block traffic but no arrests made

Hundreds of people protesting the death of a black man in Minneapolis police custody blocked a Los Angeles freeway and shattered windows of California Highway Patrol cruisers on Wednesday.

Poor weather postpones historic SpaceX rocket launch

Since 2011, NASA has relied on Russian spaceships launched from Kazakhstan to take U.S. astronauts to and from the space station.

Half of Americans would get a COVID-19 vaccine, poll shows

Only about half of Americans say they would get a COVID-19 vaccine if the scientists working furiously to create one succeed, according to a new poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.

Trump: We’ve enough tests to reopen America

President Donald Trump said Monday that there are enough coronavirus tests to allow for reopening of businesses shuttered by the epidemic, although some say the country will not fully return to normal until there is a vaccine.

US has most virus infections, 85K; British PM infected

The worldwide death toll has surpassed 25,200 with more than 558,500 cases. In the U.S., 1,353 have died and 91,255 have been infected.

President lawyers dismiss Bolton allegations

President Donald Trump’s legal team dismissed damaging allegations contained in a new book by former national security adviser John Bolton, which claim Trump withheld aid to Ukraine while demanding an investigation of a political rival.