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Roses only need water every other day in summer

Roses do not need daily watering, even during the hottest days. If the soil was prepared correctly at planting time and the soil surface covered in wood chips, they should get watered — at the most during the hottest times — every other day.

Here’s how much it would cost for Americans to vote by mail

According to the Brennan Center, revamping the voting system wouldn’t mean everyone has to vote by mail. But what this revamp would do is ensure that every registered voter has the option to vote by mail, should they elect to do so.

New Nevada app detects close encounters with COVID

Once the user downloads the COVID Trace app, it detects other nearby phones with the app, then provides notification if another user who came into close proximity tests positive for COVID-19.

Create a functional home study area for children

Because the coronavirus pandemic is keeping many children at home, parents must make online education at home as enjoyable and conducive to learning as possible.

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