‘Tired’ 51s again fail to give Sunday best

Last Sunday the 51s needed some ninth-inning magic — a pinch-hit, walk-off grand slam by Brian Dopirak — to carve out a wild, windswept 14-11 victory over Sacramento at Cashman Field.

Wynn, girlfriend split, sources say

Hotel developer Steve Wynn and his British girlfriend, Andrea Hissom, have split, according to multiple sources.

In Brief




Manny watches Floyd pass test

Floyd Mayweather Jr. wants Manny Pacquiao to do what Shane Mosley did — submit to Olympic-style random drug testing — so they can meet this year and finally settle who is boxing’s best pound-for-pound fighter.

In Brief


Nature sanctuary reopens after deadly fire

Two months ago, an accidental fire swept through Gilcrease Nature Sanctuary, one of Las Vegas’ best-kept secrets. The blaze killed more than 200 beautiful birds.

Late-night host is allowed to be funny in Las Vegas

“A lot of people think the fight was the big deal this weekend,” Conan O’Brien declared to his fans Saturday. But a packed house at the Palms hardly needed convincing that “the big deal is right here on this stage.”

NYPD: Video has possible SUV bomb suspect in alley

NEW YORK (AP) — Police investigating the failed car bomb left in Times Square have videotape of a possible suspect shedding clothing in an alley and putting it in a bag and found a substance that resembled fertilizer in the parked SUV, Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Sunday.