The urge to save us from ourselves is simply too powerful for some politicians to resist. For people such as state Sen. Mike Schneider, D-Las Vegas, there is never a bad time for more feel-good regulation — no matter the consequence, no matter the cost. So Sen. Schneider is ready to commit the state’s limited resources to — get this — mandate tire-pressure checks on vehicles. …

Thomas strikes blow for original 14th Amendment

Gun owners across the country rejoiced this week as the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the city of Chicago’s ban on handguns in the case McDonald v. City of Chicago. Gun owners, however, should not be celebrating alone: This ruling should be championed by everyone who cares about liberty and the unique role played by courts in protecting it under our system of government.




Game wardens with the Nevada Department of Wildlife participated in a nationally coordinated boating safety enforcement effort dubbed “Operation Dry Water” on June 26, arresting three drunken boat operators and issuing 125 boating safety citations.

Cedar Breaks National Monument offers breathtaking scenery

Using tools of water and wind, nature continues to carve a geological and scenic wonderland at Cedar Breaks National Monument in Southwestern Utah on the western edge of the high Markagunt Plateau. Forests of pine and fir sweep up to the 10,000-foot rim, where vividly colored stone carved into strange shapes tumbles into a 2,000-foot chasm.


Here is a listing of events designed for book lovers. Information is subject to change or cancellation without notice. Additions or changes to this listing must be submitted at least 10 days in advance of Sunday publication to Bookmark, Las Vegas Review-Journal, P.O. Box 70, Las Vegas, NV 89125. For more information, call 383-0306.

‘Peace Walker’ a massive adventure game

Here’s a shocker. “Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker” is a major video game release that is available for only one system — Sony’s hand-held PSP.

A Step Ahead

Some say a bond between siblings is the strongest one you can have.


“I would have to choose invisibility so I could mess with people.”

Taking Carrot Business (Personal Assistant)

I did not poison Carrot Top. I want the record to reflect this. During my day as his personal assistant, I did fetch food for the orange-hued funnyman. However, this was a full week before the much-reported food poisoning bout that forced the cancellation of one of his Luxor performances.

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