‘The Boss’ showed he was good sport

Men’s room introductions are always a little awkward, but what do you do when you’re covering a major baseball story and “The Boss” walks into the john?

Mass murder

Style Scoop

Get in Shape

Just because a pair of sunglasses look good on the display, doesn’t mean they’ll look good on you. Most people try on shades before buying them, but it’s not always easy to tell whether you’ve scored the ones that flatter you best. To help you out with the process, Dr. Laura Maloney of Vision Source on West Tropicana offers a simple rule to guide you through it. “It’s best to choose a frame shape that’s opposite of your face shape,” she says. “For a face with strong feature, such as a strong jaw line, reduce the angles with soft and curvy styles.” And the same goes for the opposite. Take a look at our examples to decide which shape your face is and what frames work best with it.

Here & Now

Cowboy Up

in brief

Some health-policy costs spike

Premiums for certain types of health insurance have started to escalate more rapidly than in recent years even though very few parts of the new federal health care law have gone into effect.

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